Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sometimes it is OK to play with your food

Sometimes the farmers just get a little silly.  This piece of fine work was inspired by an extraordinary daikon radish and the birthday of one of our Farm Share members.  It just so happens that the Birthday girl has a certain fondness for our odd shaped vegetables.  So combine those two things with some long fall days on the farm and you get Dolly the Daikon Radish.  She is lovely and generated some laughs.  Hopefully she and her red-hot habenero lips will please you as well.  We think sometimes it is ok to play with your food!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Food Processing Continues

Megan & the pickled beets
The kitchen has been busy!  Every week the options for this winter's share get more expansive.  In addition to canned tomatoes (in many forms - whole, puree, sauce & puree), there is already red salsa & salsa verde and now the pickling family.   Pickled beets, which are really beautiful and probably tasty as well.  Mixed veggie pickles, bread and butter pickles and the newest addition -- Green Tomato Pickles.  Rumor has it they are excellent on burger or other sandwich. 
Green Tomatoes on their way to pickles

So the pantry is getting stocked and it will be open and available as part of our Omnivore's share later this fall once the field vegetables start to fade.  Winter eating will be tasty!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hoop House #2 is going up

Bit by steel bit, our second hoop house is on its way up!  Yesterday space was defined as all of the bows were launched in the air and then nicely bolted to the groundposts. Then began the more tedious work of the cross braces and purlins supports (to add stability).  It is exciting to think about this as an additional growing space this winter and throughout the coming seasons.  Flats of greens are already seeded in anticipation. 
This second hoop house is being made possible through a grant from USDA and their Know Your Farmer program.  And of course through the help of many hands! We are only on day 4 of this modern day barn-raising, but so far so good.  Now if the rain could just hold off a bit.